milk and water into a saucepan and heat to a scald. Pour this into a
large bowl, allow to cool to lukewarm. Add in oil, sugar and salt; mix
with a wooden spoon till well blended. Add in beaten egg and 2 cups of
flour; mix till smooth with a wooden spoon. Add in instant yeast and
mix. Allow to sit for 10 minutes uncovered. Now, start to slowly add in
more flour. When the mixture becomes to hard to mix, pour out onto a
well floured surface and knead in more flour for 8 minutes. The dough
will become smooth and elastic. Add just enough flour that the dough no
longer sticks to your hands while kneading. Add a tablespoon of oil to a
clean bowl and place the dough into the bowl. Turn over a few times to
lightly coat all sides with oil. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to
rest till double in bulk, about 1 hour. Remove dough and knead a few
time to release the gas. Now cut the dough into 8 pieces. use a scale to
make sure each piece is equal in weight. Allow to rest for 5 minutes.
Take each piece and roll into a 36 inch rope. Roll ropes around the
greased 6 inch cream horn tubes. Place onto a cookie sheet lined with
parchment paper and cover with plastic wrap. Allow to rest for 30
minutes. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 – 22 minutes or till
golden brown. Place onto a wire rack and allow to cool for a couple
minutes before removing the tubes.